The Benefits of Solo Travel When You’re Abroad
Whether you are young or older, travelling is one of the most incredible experiences anyone can encounter in their lifetime, from embracing new cultures, witnessing new environments, meeting new people to realizing that the world is much greater than we are made to believe.
The memories you cherish from travelling abroad are ones that will never be forgotten. While travelling with friends and family is memorable, solo travel also has benefits that many people fail to recognize.
Therefore, if you have been contemplating solo travel, but haven’t entirely convinced yourself as to why you should do so, here are some of the benefits of solo travel when you’re abroad!
1. Travelling Solo Will Help You Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
One of the first reasons people should travel solo instead of in a group is getting you out of your comfort zone. When travelling in a group, you often have other people to turn to, help you problem-solve, and get to your next destination. If anything should go wrong, there is someone there that will help you figure out a solution.
That being said, when you’re travelling solo, especially in a country where you don’t speak the native language, you’re left to navigate and find solutions on your own. Now, of course, this seems scary, and it is. However, the point of stepping out of your comfort zone to push yourself to see how strong and resilient you are!
2. It’s More Cost-Effective
This one may seem obvious, but when you travel solo instead of in a group, you will inevitably save more money. You are in complete control of where you sleep, eat and what activities you plan for the day.
Often, when you’re in a group, there will always be some sort of compromise going on. By saving more money, you can put that towards travelling to more places which is not a bad trade-off at the end of the day.
3. You Are In Charge of Your Route
Another beneficial factor of solo travel is that you get to choose where you travel to and for how long. Again, when you’re travelling with other people, there are often compromises that need to be made regarding the countries you visit and for how long.
Therefore, when you travel abroad by yourself, you can choose the course of your journey. It also gives you the freedom to not have a plan at all and take each day as it comes.
4. You Can Meet More New People
When travelling alone, you are bound to find other solo travellers looking to meet new people. Whether you’re staying in a hostel or a hotel, these are a great place to find people from around the world around the same age as you.
The nice thing about meeting other solo travellers is that you can also travel in groups during some points of your trip, and then venture off and do your own thing in other countries.
5. It Will Help Improve Your Language Skills
Have you ever wanted to learn how to speak French, Italian, perhaps Spanish? Well, when you’re alone abroad in a country that you do not speak the native language, you are more likely to improve your language skills. Immersing yourself in a culture is the best way to get to know the language.
Therefore, when you are alone in a foreign country with no one to rely on as your translator, soon enough you are going to being to pick up phases and begin understanding what the locals are saying.
6. It Helps You Embrace Solitude
One of the common reasons people are afraid or hesitant to travel on their own is because they feel uncomfortable spending time with themselves. Therefore, it will provide you with enough time to begin embracing solitude and getting to know who you are as a person when you’re travelling solo. We often forget to take time for ourselves these days. We are always on our phones or out with friends. We never take time to sit back and get to know ourselves! This is why travelling solo abroad is the perfect way to become comfortable with yourself without relying on others to keep you entertained and happy.
7. It Will Boost Your Self-Confidence
When you’re travelling alone, in time once the fear sets in and you begin to feel more comfortable in your new environment, you are going to experience a boost in your self-confidence! When you’re alone, you are going to need to be more assertive with people and learn to speak up for yourself in case anything goes wrong. Therefore, once you begin solo travelling, with each day that passes, you are going to start feeling more and more confident.
8. You Will Make Stronger Lasting Memories
Lastly, on our list of why people should take advantage of travelling solo instead of in a group is the lasting memories. When you look back on the trip that you had years down the road, it is going to make you appreciate everything you learned on your own when you were in different countries. From the people you met, the choices you needed to make for yourself will leave a lifelong impression on who you will be in the future.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, there are so many incredible benefits of taking a leap of faith and travelling by yourself. While it does take courage to push your fears aside and plan your first solo trip, once you are out in a new country experiencing the culture and new adventures for yourself, we promise that you won’t regret it. Next time you’re contemplating travelling with others or going by yourself, trust that you will be okay and embrace the unknown!